Sunday, November 11, 2007

Fwd: Thank You in a Christmas Card

I never forward these, but I think this is a really great idea.
If you are wondering why you got this, it's because I sent it to all of my contacts.

Hello All,

    As Christmas season approaches we begin to reflect on how truly fortunate we are, and all the blessings we have been given.  I think that at this time it is only proper to also think of the brave men and women who have risked their lives for our freedom.  I think a small Thank You in a Christmas Card is the least we could do.   Please read on.

This request came  from the wife of one of our heroic vets...

When doing your Christmas cards this year, take one card and send it to this address.  If we pass this on and everyone sends one card, think of how many cards these wonderful special people who have sacrificed so much would get.

A Great Idea!!!

When you are making out your Christmas card list this year, please include the following:

         A Recovering American soldier
         c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
         6900 Georgia Avenue, NW
         Washington,D.C. 20307-5001

If you approve of the idea, please pass it on to your e-mail list. Thank you!

                          Catherine Walsh

"Maybe we've been caught signing 'Red, White, Blue and Green!' Well that aint my American dream"- Swtichfoot, from the song American Dream on 'Oh! Gravity."

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Gnome is home!

Helen is doing very, very well. So well that it's hard to get her to stay still and pose for a picture! (Sophie surprised her, and this was the only one we could get.)
Helen's incision is healing nicely and she's gotten into the swing of taking her meds regularly. Not to mention she's walking like a pro! She thanks you all for everything and is keeping each of you in her prayers.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Homeward Bound

Helen's blood sugar went down this morning, and the welcome news arrived at last: she is going home! She checked out of the hospital, and is returning to her very own bed. Thank you all for your prayers, and please remember that the visiting rules remain the same.
God bless and thank you!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sweet Slumber

Helen took a shower this morning, and is now sleeping the hours away. She is still in a fair amount of pain, and her blood sugar is still high. Her dad and brother Thomas went out to get her some good food, and her mother just returned to her own room to take her pain medication.
Sergio arrived to visit, and has promised Helen he'd make her favorite pasta for her.
Now the lights have turned down and Helen is sleeping quietly.

Latest News - there isn't much

Helen's blood sugar is slightly lower, but they are keeping her in the hospital for another day. All her IVs are coming out, and she is on a low-carb diet to try and continue to lower her blood sugar. Thank you for all your prayers and please keep them coming.
Helen is going to go out for a walk around the hospital and get some fresh air. We request no visitors today as she is pretty exhausted and needs some peace and quiet.
Again, thank you all, and we will post more information when we have it.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Please Pray

Hi Everyone,
We would just like to ask you to keep the prayers up.

Helen's Friends

Sugar Danger

The doctors discovered some sobering news today. Helen's blood sugar has just risen, and there is concern about her condition. Please join us in praying for a temporary and short duration of this situation. Thank you all, and keep up the prayers!