Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Helen Post-Op!

Helen is doing very well. She slept well through the night, and is now able to start drinking sips of water, and is able to talk normally. She was able to get out of bed this morning and is now sitting in a rocking chair, relaxing, with morphine-pump in hand. She said to tell everyone thank you for the prayers.
Helen will just be hanging out in the ICU today, probably watching some movies and reading Harry Potter. She is expected to take a walk around the floor later today.
Helen will also spend another night in the ICU tonight, and will be expected to go to her regular room sometime tomorrow.
Thanks again everyone! And we will keep you updated on when Helen can have visitors. She can't wait to see you all!


Anonymous said...

Helen looks really wonderful! We are praying for her and for Elizabeth and we wish them a speedy and complete recovery.

Harry, Bev and Dan (Stevens-DeSoto-Wayne)

Unknown said...

Yay! We are so proud of you Helen! I have a gnome themed thingie for u so hopefully I can come visit soon! Get well!